You best give your skis or a snowboard a care whenever you get back from a skiing trip. This will prevent base drying or turning grey and edge rusting. When you fish out of your closet a used board or skis which you dumped there after a trip without doing at least basic maintenance, you will see what’s the deal. Timely maintenance preserve your skis and slow down usual wear and tear – otherwise the edges of neglected skis or board need to be filed hard to be stripped of rust, the base convex in consequence has to be flattened. Moreover, once dried or burnt base (upon used unwaxed) never retrieves its original ability to absorb wax. If you take a proper care of your gear upon its use you will avoid stress coming with looking for a ski service just before a leave for another skiing trip, your skis or snowboard will be ready to be used whenever you make up your mind to go.